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Avoiding Reality At All Costs


You are here either because you randomly clicked a link on the internet or because you actively sought me out and, truthfully, I'm not sure which is scarier. But you are here now, and like all those before you who have found themselves in the land under the hill, it's your chance to explore.

Just don't eat the fruit.

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Do you want to reflect society or escape it?

I remember being asked to consider where and how I saw my work fitting into or reflecting society and I realised I didn't want it to reflect society, I want to offer an escape from it. Stories by their very nature are about escapism and I have always been drawn to and inspired by art that has fantasy elements; my own subtle rebellion and fight against reality.


The choice to use Celtic legend as the basis for my work comes from a more personal place, allowing me to form connections with my own cultural heritage and history. It became the ultimate form of escapism as it allowed me to look at my own surroundings and to see the magic from those legends in everyday life.


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